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Year 6


Key Stage 2 Reading and Spelling activities

Create a book journal  – Your child may like to keep a favourite book journal which can have lists of titles, quotations, pictures and sketches to encourage them to look back at what they have read.

Newspapers – Talk to your child about the articles in a newspaper or magazine.

Scrabble – Enjoy playing the classic word game. The TV show Countdown on channel 4 is also good for words and numbers.

Guess my word – Your child needs to think of a word and talk about it without using the actual word. Try and guess what their word is.

Synonym lists – Pick a word eg. hungry and think of other words with the same meaning eg. ravenous, peckish and starving. The aim of the game is to create the longest list possible and the words must be spelt correctly – use a dictionary or thesaurus to help.

Nonsense stories – Use some of the spellings from your child’s spelling list to make up funny stories. You can either do these together orally or encourage your child to write them down and then read them to you.

Word art – Encourage your child to create a piece of art which incorporates their weekly spellings.

MATHS activities

Shapes – You could go on a shape walk and see what shapes you can spot. Look at buildings to spot right angles and symmetrical shapes. They should be able to spot different sorts of angles, lines of symmetry and parallel or perpendicular lines.

Money – Look at adverts online or in a newspaper/magazine. What is the sale price if there is 10% or 25% off? Give your child an Argos catalogue and let them go on a “fantasy spending spree”. What would they buy with £30 and how much change (if any) would they have?

Measures – Time –  If there are both traditional and digital clocks around the house, ask your child to practice reading the time to the nearest minute. Encourage them to calculate times eg. tea is ready in 3/4 of an hour, what time will it be ready? Give you an answer using am/pm or using a 24 hour clock format.

Other Measures – Any form of cooking is a great way for your child to practise weighing and measuring in grams and kilograms. It is an excellent way to learn to read scales and measure things accurately including liquids in millilitres and litres.

year 5 year 6 stat spelling.pdf

Useful websites:







www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z826n39 and www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zv7dcqt

