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Year 2


Key Stage 1 Reading and Spelling activities

Share a text – Either take turns to read with your child, reading a few sentences each or read along together. This will give your child the confidence to attempt tricky words whilst developing fluency.

Pairs – Write words on cards. These can be weekly spellings, words from a reading book or linked to a topic. Ask your child to turn over 2 words, read them and try and match 2 corresponding cards. If they do not match, then turn them back over and try again. Try and memorise where the cards are.

Make it rhyme – Pick up a card and read eg. train. Say a word that rhymes with this word and write it down eg. brain

Word hunt – Hide weekly spelling around the house. Children must search for them, read them, write them down and check them.

Songs and rhymes – Share songs and rhymes with your child. This will help them explore the meaning of words and they may even be able to make up some similar rhymes or verses of their own by changing words.

MATHS activities

Shapes – You could go on a shape walk and see what shapes you can spot. The shapes children may recognise at this age are rectangles, square, circle, triangle, sphere, cube, cuboid, pyramid and cone.

Money – Children tend to love receiving and spending money. Play shops to encourage your child to be able to recognise 1p, 2p, 5p and10p coins and find totals and change up to 20p.

Measures – Time – Practice telling the time on an analogue clock (traditional one as opposed to a digital) for something o’clock and half past the hour. You could challenge your child to tell you when it is time for tea eg. 5 o’clock or half past 5 or even their bedtime.

Other Measures – Get your child to help with the washing up. This is a great way of encouraging them to compare different containers for capacity as well as helping around the house. Any form of cooking is a great way for your child to practice weighing and measuring in grams and kilograms. Your child might even start to help make the tea for everyone.

y1 y2 common words.pdf


Useful websites:

















