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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Pupil Led Worship

Each half term starts with our pupils working in groups to plan worships around our current prayer theme. This year, we have had: Make your home in me, Blessed are the peacemakers, Jesus is the beginning of the good news and Jesus is the light of the world. All of our prayer themes are rooted in the Gospels and all link to 6 or 7 Bible passages which we study and use to prepare our worships.

Every Thursday morning, a different group of children lead worship in their own class using the worship they planned on the first day of the half term. During the week, they practice a four part worship based on Gather, Listen to the Word of God, Reflect and Mission. During a term, every child has a turn. Last year, the Mark 10 Mission worked with children in Year 3 and 4 to help them to develop their independent planning and leadership. On Wednesday lunchtime, children in Key Stage attend Collective Worship Club where they can get help and support in planning and practicing their worships.  

Leading worship helps our children to become more spiritual and to understand the Bible more deeply through being witnesses to the Word. 

Mark 10 Mission helped us to prepare a Good Samaritan Worship.

Children in Reception sharing a worship about Mary, our mother.

Children in Year 3 and 4 leading a worship about protecting God's word