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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly written or labelled in EACH piece of clothing they bring to school including their coats. Children should be dressed appropriately for the weather as they have access to outdoor play during the session, e.g sun hats for warm weather and wellington boots for wet weather.


Grey or black trousers

White or red T.Shirt with logo

Red jumper with logo

Black school shoes


White or red T.Shirt with logo

Red cardigan with logo

Grey pinafore/skirt

Black or grey tights

Black school shoes


On PE days, children can come into school in their PE kit which consists of a red t.shirt with logo. Black shorts/black skort or tracksuit or jogging bottoms can be worn in cold weather conditions. Pumps need to be brought to school in a bag for indoor PE.


In the interests of health and safety, the wearing of jewellery in school is not allowed. If children have pierced ears then only small stud type earrings are acceptable. These should be removed for PE on your child’s PE days. This policy is followed to minimise the risk of injury.


You maybe entitled to help with your child’s uniform.

You can apply on the following link – Online application form:  


We use the following uniform shop, GDB Clothing
