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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Communication between Home & School

Clear communication between home and school is essential. There are lots of different ways that families can contribute to our continual journey of self-improvement. We want parents to feel welcome in school and able to approach all staff when they need to.

Parents/carers can speak to the teacher at the beginning or the end of the school day. If you feel that the issue needs to be discussed at length or is really confidential, please make an appointment with the teacher to see them later on. The school office can also arrange this for you. You can also make an appointment to meet with the Headteacher or the Deputy Head.

Every Friday, the school newsletter is emailed home. This tells you what has been going on in school that week including our prayer focus and any special events. Please ensure we have your correct email address and mobile number.

At the beginning of every half term, you will get a phase newsletter which tells you about the curriculum your child will be learning for that period. 

In Autumn and Spring term, there is a parents evening which gives you a chance to discuss your child's progress with their teacher. In Summer term, you will receive a written report about your child's learning, behaviour and attitude throughout the year. Following this, the teachers will meet with you if you need to discuss this written report further.

At the centre of our communication strategy is the desire to work with families to secure the very best outcomes for St. Joseph's children.

If you have a complaint, please follow our Complaints Policy detailed below. 
