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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

At St Joseph's, we use the Diocese of Leeds approved scheme A Journey in Love to deliver the Church's teaching on Relationships. Within this context, pupils are taught at an age-appropriate level about sex in the context of marriage. The aspects of this are covered through the Science curriculum and the safeguarding aspects (including harmful relationships and the importance of consent) are taught in partnership with our SMSC curriculum.

The aim of this part of the curriculum is to ensure that our children have a good knowledge of what a healthy happy relationship (including healthy friendships) looks like and have an understanding of appropriate and inappropriate behaviours which will help them to keep themselves and others safe. 

Pupils typically have one 'Journey in Love' lesson each half term. Your child's half termly newsletter will give details of what is being covered in these sessions. 

Journey in Love:

At the heart of this revised teacher’s resource is our belief that we are made in the image and likeness of God and, consequently, gender and sexuality are God’s gift, reflecting his beauty and sharing in divine creativity. In order that children may grow and flourish healthily and holistically towards an understanding of their gender and its implications for successful relationships, they must be at ease with themselves and deepen their self-knowledge.

An aspect of the mystery of love is treated in each year group; children and young people are encouraged to marvel at the wonder and beauty of God’s creative love. This is reflected in each stage of a person’s growth in the primary years through a series of suggested, progressive and developmental tasks, activities and reflections that focus on social, emotional, physical and spiritual development.

  • Nursery:       Wonder at God’s Love
  • Reception:   God loves each of us in our uniqueness
  • Year 1:          We meet God’s love in our family
  • Year 2:          We meet God’s love in the community
  • Year 3:          How we live in love
  • Year 4:          God loves us in our differences
  • Year 5:          God loves me in my changing and development
  • Year 6:          The wonder of God’s love in creating new life


In Year 5, pupils will learn about the changes that happen to their bodies during puberty. In Year 6, pupils will learn about sexual reproduction. Parents are allowed to ask for their child not to attend these sessions. However, understanding puberty and sexual relationships are essential tools for helping children to navigate the world (including secondary school) safely.

Please come and speak to Mrs Tolson if you have any worries or concerns about these lessons.