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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week.

― Charles Darwin



At St. Joseph's, we want every child to participate in a full range of musical experiences including learning a range of musical instruments, singing in groups and experiencing harmonies and part singing, listening and commenting on a range of different types of music and having the chance to be part of wider musical performances through our BCWCAT partnerships.

How is Music taught

Music is everywhere at St. Joseph's in our worships, assemblies and in our classrooms. Pupils in Early Years and KS1 learn music in class and it is used to enrich the whole curriculum. In KS2, specialist music tuition is bought in through Bradford Music Service which provides small group and individual tuition for a range of wind instruments. Whole class music lessons on Ukelele, glockenspiels, recorders and bells take place in KS2 throughout the year. The Diocese Singing provision with our teacher Mr Daniel Rodriguez provides singing tuition for Years 5 and 6. All of this provision comes together to create termly concerts for parents and the wider community. 

It is really important that all children at St. Joseph's have access to individual music tuition. Musicular teachers talent spot pupils who they think would benefit from music tuition and this is provided free of charge to these pupils. 

How is Music assessed

Each teacher provides written feedback for the classes they teach and this is used to inform teaching week on week and to form a picture of the cohort's needs going forwards. 

What parents/ families can do

Fully funded music lessons are available within the school day for KS2 children. Speak to your child's teacher if you think they would like to take up this opportunity and then support them in practising at home. All of our concerts need an audience so try to come along if you can and see your child perform.