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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.

- Galileo Galilei


At St. Joseph’s we want our children to be fluent and confident in number skills and have a secure understanding of number sense. We teach them to be creative and resilient problem solvers who can make connections between the maths they learn in class and the maths they encounter in real life. 


We deliver maths lessons using the Same Day Intervention strategy; the teacher models the learning, then supports the children before allowing independent practice. The teacher identifies pupils that require more support and provide it within the lesson. All pupils move on to complete reasoning and problem-solving questions. Our maths follows the White Rose Maths Hub schemes of work and there are daily opportunities to practice previously learned skills. All pupils across year all groups are given the opportunity to experience new learning through using practical maths equipment and pictures.  


Teachers use the Same Day Intervention strategy to ensure that all pupils meet the objectives of each lesson taught. Through daily practice of previously learned skills, teachers assess if a skill is embedded. At the end of each unit, pupils will complete an assessment to make sure that they have learned all the skills needed and can use them confidently in reasoning and problem-solving.  

What can you do?  

Parents can support their younger children through allowing them to practise their number bonds to ten through play; perhaps they can find the correct number of pebbles or cars to make 10 or 20.  

Times tables are essential in supporting older children with their maths development; parents can encourage their children to practice on Times Table Rock Stars, or by quizzing them on times tables they have already learned.  

Supporting them in applying maths in everyday life is also very helpful; asking them to calculate change when shopping, adding up or estimating a bill is a good skill to practice.  

You can also support your children in learning how to tell the time!